Biodiversity in the Anthropocene Courses
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Co-learning in the Field

Supported by her HHMI Professor grant, Liz Hadly and other Stanford instructors and wildlife specialists are co-developing a new, immersive, field course for Stanford undergraduates and learners from field stations.
Due to Covid-19, the inaugural 2020 undergraduate course in Rwanda was postponed. While the uncertainties around Covid-19 and travel preclude us from planning the course for 2021, we are developing other course offerings for Academic Year 2021-22.
PDF Flyer - Rwanda 2020 Course
(2.91 MB)
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This page will continue to be updated with more information. If you are interested in learning about wildlife, the non-invasive technology we use to sense biodiversity in the field, and working with park managers around the world, sign up below to get news.
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